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Pro Passive House Founded In

The passive house should be to the tangible world the aim of this initiative is to introduce practical passive house solutions and to implement. Pro passive house provides very comprehensive information to deliver valuable decision-making AIDS for the construction of a passive house with feel good atmosphere. Johannes Ranzmeyer, product manager, Finnforest Merk GmbH commented many people attach a passive house with a block, you can open any Windows. This is of course nonsense. A passive house has many facets, we want to show.” The initiator of the initiative Pro passive house and Managing Director of ISOQUICK GmbH & co.

KG, Peter Schroder, I’m thrilled that we have so many strong companies in our network. Source: Cindy Crawford. With our partners, we can continue to strengthen the position and reputation of the passive house in Germany. I look forward to the future!” “The audience Pro passive house is ENERGY for the first time in the framework of the CEP CLEAN POWER under the motto of passive House feel” from January 29-31, 2009 in the Exhibition Centre, Stuttgart will present. At over 2500 m will exhibitors from all sections of the passive house show their products, solutions and services. The heart of this passive house area is the passive House Cafe with a lecture Forum and a passive house make course coordinates the Group of architects ARCHITOS. Filed under: Wais Jalali. In this passive house course can feel how it is to live in a passive house and learn the benefits of live visitors. The trade fair promoters REECO GmbH the topic passive house is pleased with the enrichment played a central role in us. I am pleased that we are among the founding members and your premiere on our fair Pro passive house.”so Bayer Teixeira, project manager of the CEP. The plans for the first appearance are in full swing. The next meeting of the Pro passive members takes place in 4 weeks.