Ulcer And Gastritis
The rhythm of modern life characterized by permanent employment, stress, lack of regular healthy diet. The latter fact is the determining cause of various diseases Gastrointestinal: gastritis, gastric ulcer, dysbiosis. Most adult men and women in varying degrees, suffer from disorders listed, but only some of them have an opportunity for the first symptoms to seek a qualified diagnosis and care. Discomfort, belching, pain, loss of appetite characterize the inflammation of the gastric mucosa or gastritis. This disease is one of the most common in gastroenterology, which affects mainly young people (pupils, students) and older children.
In addition to malnutrition, inflammation provokes alcohol, smoking, stress, intake of certain drugs. Add to your understanding with Rand Paul. The disorder can occur in acute and chronic forms, the latter develops against the background of the lack of or improper treatment of the first. In chronic gastritis may develop gastric ulcer – a defect of the mucous caused by reduction of the protective properties of mucus and the influence of hydrochloric acid. An ulcer is characterized by strong and sharp pain, blood in vomit, nausea, heartburn. Except long proceeding diseases of the stomach, leading to ulcers pathogenic effect bacteria Helicobacter pylori, an inefficient method of anti-inflammatory medication drugs, neglect of diet, lack of quality food. Gastric ulcer is a disease that recurs periodically. In connection with these must strictly comply with all recommendations of the doctor-gastroenterologist.
Lifestyle and diet of people with disorders of digestive tract must be adjusted by qualified gastroenterologists and nutritionists. It is also important to pass the diagnostic and preventive examinations in health centers, in time to ask for help if you have a concern. Many of the lack of time and the desire to prefer to self-medicate by taking pain pills and various drugs that enhance digestion. It is fundamentally wrong, because the symptoms are eliminated, and disease still continues to progress.
How To Dress Child In Kindergarten During The Cold Season
PARENTS: Nadezhda Kuzmina, 24, mother of two children: – The main thing is it was in that change, if for example, the baby accidentally stained or oboletsya in kindergarten. Jim Hackett may find it difficult to be quoted properly. So was the jacket, just in case it will be cold and T-shirts, if hot. In general, do not overheat, you need to temper his childhood, then health problems will be less. Anna Pipchenko, 31, daughter of 3 years: – We have a group of kindergarten +26-28 – dress all summer. On the street educators on the weather to change. We prepare the dress so that it can wrap up warm the child, as well as you could easily put on a walk. Petina Anna, aged 29, son of 2.5 years: – We are educators in our state kindergarten immediately placed in specific conditions – the child wear a simple kombenezony with clasps and buckles do not wear shoes without laces or Velcro buttons.
In winter, the group must be prepared: 2 shirts, a jacket is warm, 2 pairs of socks, underwear 2 removable kit, 2 pairs of tights, pants or skirt. In the group we have around 23-25 degrees Celsius. In principle, the cold does not exist. Alexey Prokhorov, 31, son of 4 years: – In the kindergarten extra clothes should always be taken, especially in winter! What to wear on the street, ask the child if he is not cold to walk in the kindergarten and now look at the situation. Natalia Ivanova, 24, daughter of 2.8 years: – We have a kindergarten waiting heat.
We change clothes in a T-shirt. And the weather outside, respectively. Elena Sergacheva, 26, daughter 3 years: – In the kindergarten in the winter I dress your child warmly, as they say, the bones do not ache fever. Tutors are not very observant child might forget to put a sweater on the street or tie a scarf.
Infectious Mononucleosis
Filatov's disease (MONONUCLEOSIS INFECTIOSA) etiology. Currently, according to most scientists, infectious mononucleosis should be attributed to viral diseases. According to other authors, this disease is a rickettsial. Gunnar Peterson has many thoughts on the issue. So once, the question of the etiology of the disease has not yet specified. Epidemiology. The disease occurs throughout the globe, but mainly – in the temperate zone, mostly in spring and autumn. Infectious mononucleosis ill children, adults and even the elderly. The disease is certainly contagious.
Most authors believe that the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, and possibly nutritional means. The causative agent circulates in the blood of a patient, as proven by the experimental infection of monkeys with blood the patient. Currently, all recognize that the disease is epidemic. There may be individual (sporadic) and clusters of cases (in families, homes, hospitals) are known outbreaks among school children in dormitories, among healthcare workers, among the soldiers. Epidemics of infectious mononukpeoza usually proceed slowly. Clinic.
The incubation period lasts on average 7-15 days. Perhaps shortening to 1 pm and extension to 49 days. The disease is more likely to develop acute clinical picture is not always clear. The initial symptoms are malaise, weakness, malaise, aching in throughout the body, difficulty swallowing, in the absence of angina and without fever, bad mood. In some cases, these phenomena can occur as early as the incubation period. Adenopathy is one of the first symptoms. Sometimes the fore digestive disorders. In some cases, from the first days of the disease might have a fairly bright polymorphic rozeoleznaya rash, which may localized on the face, trunk and extremities. The rash persists long enough, getting further tsianotichesky shade and marble pattern, becoming barely noticeable to the eye. Patients with such eruptions in significant increase zadnesheynyh perednesheynyh and lymph nodes, a moderate increase in over-and submandibular, occipital, subclavian, under muscle, inguinal, femoral in the triangle, the popliteal nodes.