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Intensive Therapy Performance

Summary hospital Infection is any infection acquired after the internment of the patient and that if manifest during the internment or exactly after the high one, when could be related with the internment or hospital procedures. The objective of the displayed topic implies in describing to the light of pertinent literature to the subject, the performance of the nursing in the prevention and control of hospital infection in Unit of intensive therapy. The method used for the development of the thematic one in quarrel is decurrent of apanhado of bibliographical character carried through in the quantity of the library of the College Saint Emilia de Rodat-FASER, as well as in referring magazines to the boarded content and information acquired in sites of credibility, during the period of August of 2011 the January of 2012, the collected data had been later analyzed and interpreted to the light of literature concernente to the subject. Related literature approaches that the hospital infections are the most frequent and important complications occured in hospitalized patients. Patients interned in units of intensive therapy are of high risk, which had to its state of imunolgica deficiency, as resulted of invasive the therapeutical and disgnostic procedures, and are particularly susceptveis the hospital infections.

The alternative measures of prevention and measures to if effecting invasive procedures, are essential, being thus, the nurse could be preventing occurrence of the hospital infections. An exclusion of a obscure prognostic for who is concluded that the hospital infection is an event of eminent susceptibility where can be prevented through writs of prevention in the practical one of nursing, thus providing acquires an infection in Units of intensive therapy. Words key: Hospital infection in Intensive therapy, Performance of nursing. Abstract Nosocomial infection is any infection acquired to after admission the patient and manifested during hospitalization or to after discharge, when it can be related you hospitalization or hospital procedures.


Workers of nursing feel more difficulties to take care of of young patients this are related to the not-acceptance, for the society, of a serious illness in young in full productive age (SHIMIZU, 2000). In the daily one of the workers of nursing of UTIs, the confrontation with the suffering and the pain of the patient happen constantly. Such situation is not easy e, many times, them looks for to place itself in the place of the sick person and suffers with this situation (SHIMIZU, 2000). The multiprofessional team in UTI found given, in which the participants had expressed the difficulty in working in team, being that the stories had disclosed that one of the main .causing factors of estresse for the multiprofessional team she is the proper one team. This fact was decurrent of the lack of commitment of some members of the team (MILK; VILLAGE, 2005). The high rotation is desgastante in such a way for the workers as for the heads, however these data, when seen separately, they are reduced in its degree of importance and they do not propitiate signallings of the suffering in work (ABRAHO; TOWERS, 2004).

In study with nurses of Center of Intensive Therapy, these professionals had emphasized that she is difficult to manage and to plan the assistance to the patient ones when lacks and absences occur, therefore they cause overload for the other members of the team (SAINTS; OLIVEIRA; MOREIRA, 2006). The inexistence of employees to substitute the absentees in recesses, vacation and licenses demands, of the remaining workers, a very intense task, creating an environment many times of running and tumult, that if becomes more problematic when lacks in the work occur not set appointments previously (LUNARDI SON, 1995). When a not enough number of people for the work is had, this can to collaborate to increase the absenteeism index and to cause to an overload and insatisfao of the workers, propitiating a reduction of the quality of the care given to the human being (ALVES, 1996).

Cognitivo Therapy TCC

Mannering the Cognitivo Therapy aims at the re-education of thoughts and distorted or disfuncionais beliefs. In the cognitiva therapy, the patient learns that its system of beliefs is what cause its states of mood, (as well as its behaviors), and that the external events, experiences of infancy and the genetics are agents who influence, but, less important in what the way as the individual reacts they. Event Interpretation of the event Emotion State of Mood (in accordance with the beliefs)Behavior Even so the majority of the people if does not give account, all and any emotion is folloied by thoughts and, more than what this, is generated by the same ones. This can be difficult of if perceiving, because beyond the emotions to be able to vary diverse times to the day – making it difficult to give attention in alteration of the same ones – it can also seem that they appear of the nothing, without influence some of the person. In the specific case of the depression, where the mood variations are little frequent, the person can still have little idea of she generates what it and she keeps.

How occurs this in the practical one? In the day the day? We go to assume the case of one definitive boy who initiates the college student. It will have its first test and if he organizes to study the content of the same one. One sits down to read the book and feels certain difficulty to understand the first topics. It passes to it for the head that is very difficult and that it never will understand the substance. It starts then to feel itself sad, with weight in the abdomen and closes the book. It gives up to study and it passes the remain of the afternoon cabisbaixo and chateado. This boy seems not to perceive the thoughts acometeram that it during its study and that they had resulted in depressed mood, weight in the stomach and the desistance of the reading.