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The capital of the companies always was used with investments in the technician-structural area, perceiving a great lack of resources in the development of other fronts that at a first moment make look like not to stimulate the production, between them the logistic one. with this perception of necessity is that alternatives search that come inside to make possible a continuous improvement of this industrial sector so needed with regard to the aspects productivity and level of services. This search was concentrated basically inside of the logistic conception that constitutes the basic and impulsionadora tool of the development and the success of all the successful industry. With an objective to aspects related to the logistic technology, with its evolution, definition, functions, characteristics, objectives and benefits that a logistic process can offer in a general way. without any doubt, the implantation of the logistic system of management in the constructive process will bring considerable benefits for all the involved spheres. 2.MARCO THEORETICIAN 2.1LOGSTICA the logistic one is a term of much evidence in all the enterprise sectors.

Today, all the great companies, in the most diverse sectors, use the logistic one as form to manage its flows productive, with satisfactory results providing resources, equipment and information for the execution of all the activities inside of the company. Vieira (2006, cited for LAMBERT, STOK & VANTINE, 1998) defines the logistic one as the process to plan, to implement and to control, of efficient and economic form the suppliment flow and products, the storage and the flow of corresponding information all the system, of origin to the final destination, objectifying the attendance to the necessities of the customers. Haga and Sacomano (1999) define logistic are the way of management for which the necessities them customers are satisfied through the coordination of the flows of materials and information that go of the market until the company, its operations and, later, for its suppliers.