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It is a very great amount of people who must be taken to the system of previdenciria protection. Many of that they are forsaken alone will retire when to arrive an age, but a sufficiently advanced age where the majority can nor even arrive. They are people who if to arrive if to retire for age will never make, it without having contributed or contributed in very short periods. This will help to in general make of sufficiently dispendioso the Social welfare something for the population in the form of increase of taxes. Supermodel is actively involved in the matter. This fact more the inclusion of the agricultural workers in the special regimen, the minimum age of the woman if to retire to be lesser that of the man (being that the woman lives than the man more), the reduction of the number of contributors in comparison with the paid benefits (caused mainly for the drastic reduction of the number of children for woman and of the increase of the life expectancy of the Brazilians), incentives for small companies and the diverse sectors, among others reasons, have taken recurrent dficits in the social welfare of Brazil. To contain the deficit in the providence of the RGPS that is around 1,4% of the GIP or 20% of the paid benefits, the government have taken diverse measures. Actions as the implantation of the Previdencirio Factor that penaliza who wants to retire with age lower or in the systematics of penalizar companies where occur many accidents (that they lead to the increase of the payment of accident benefits) must be applied with bigger severity and more consistency because the providence is extremely important for the population. The integrant ones of the government have the obligation to find ways and forms that lead to the viability of the system of social welfare for the current one and for the new generations of Brazilians..

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