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Promising Tinnitus Treatment

Neurofeedback is a highly effective non-medicamental and side effect-free procedure for the treatment of tinnitus using Neurofeedback everyone it is possible to gain control over his own brain activity. Brain activity can be decades objectified present themselves in the form of measurement of brain waves on the basis of the so-called Elektroencephalogramms (EEG). Not only the quantity (the quantity), but also the composition of the brain activity of the different brain wave frequencies (the quality) is measured. So, it can be shown how many of what brain waves on which regions of the brain prevail. For some diseases are very specific changes in brain waves composition in symptom-relevant brain regions has been established and it was concluded, that a check and change this composition positively influence should capacity to the clinical picture. In contrast to the brain stimulation methods as rTMS and tDCS Neurofeedback is an active Procedure where the patient is the one who accumulates activity,- and not the therapist. Control by brain waves Neurofeedback is used as procedure already very successful therapy of many diseases: ADHD, autism, migraines, tension headaches, chronic pain, children headache, sleep disorders, epilepsy and brain injuries. So it was reasonable to check whether this non drug and side effect-free procedure was not even an option to represent for a widespread and therapeutically tractable disease: the tinnitus (abnormal perception of ear noises).

Neurofeedback brain activity using electrodes that are attached to the head will be recorded, computer-technically prepared and visualized on the subjects (patients) in the form of a computer animation (r uckgemeldet = feedback). By attention control, concentrating on relaxing or activating mental content the subject learns to accumulate activity or reduce gradually actively Influence of taking and eventually gain control over. The visualization may look like this: a plane within about 8 seconds from the left to the right of the screen of a PC monitor. The therapist or trainer the brain waves filter adjusts so that it is connected to an enrichment of the waves to be trained with a climb, the reduction with a descent. Bicycle driving learning takes the brain itself was similar to, what has to happen in the brain, so that the reward (E.g. a smilie on-screen) is pronounced, and attempts to increase the success.

Basically, this neurbiologische method of measurement is used for the implementation of a behavioral approach, called Opera antes conditioning. In a study conducted at the ENT Clinic of the University of Mainz, 40 patients were treated with tinnitus through Neurofeedback. After 15 sessions of therapy, all patients reported a reduction in the burden of tinnitus, to understand standardized and establishing tests (tinnitus inventory after Gobel and) Hiller). In a control group of 15 patients without tinnitus was after 15 sessions, where the treatment not targeted enrichment or reduction of the required brain waves, consistently without symptom relief and improved quality of life. The University research team concluded from this that Neurofeedback is a highly effective treatment for patients with tinnitus.

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