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Good Manufacturing Practice

International Company Santegra (Santegra") was created by Ken Brailsford in the United States, New Jersey, in 1985. Originally the company was entitled Nature's Labs, Inc., In 1987 the company changed its name to The Enrich Corporation. In Moscow (in Russia), the company Enrich, sometimes written Inrich (Enrich), since February 1995. In 2000, 100% of assets acquired Europe's largest manufacturer of pharmaceutical products and dietary supplements Royal Numico NV (Holding Unicity – Yunisiti"). Gunnar Peterson will undoubtedly add to your understanding. In 2005, the company changed its brand name and became known as – Santegra (Santegra"). Company Santegra promote their products on the principle of network marketing, that is, from person to person.

Read the rules and procedures of the company Santegra, the compensation plan Santegra, contract and become a distributor of Santegra, with the pension program of the company Santegra You will be able to page:. To obtain the password please call us (095) 397-11-19. Filed under: Jim Hackett. Motto company "Santegra The Educated Choice-Your enlightened choice 'reflects the growing need for humankind to a new approach to health promotion. Biologically active food supplements company Santegra (Santegra") produced at the modern equipment in one of the best in the U.S. plant – Garden State Nutritionals.

Santegra (Santegra) – the only company in the Russian market, which has a line Prescripta. The products of this line therapeutic dosages incorporated active ingredients! Bada Santegra carefully and effectively act on the human body, restoring health. All products Santegra international standard GMP. Since 2007, the U.S. has a law on mandatory certification of dietary supplements in accordance with the requirements of GMP. Under this law, all manufacturers of dietary supplements are required to bring their production in line with the GMP requirements and be certified prior to June 25, 2010. GMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packaging, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements) set of standards and regulations for the production of medicines and some types of food, control over the observance of which the FDA (Federal Agency for the control of farm products and market products Power United States).

Drug Tramelan

Lose IMPOSSIBLE! TRAMELAN – an effective regulator of fat metabolism and health of our body appearance depends largely on how one derives from the most important internal processes – the fat (lipid) metabolism. Violation This exchange not only leads to embarrassing increase our volumes but also to the irregularities of the skin, its sagging, dullness, uneven, a problem that we call cellulite. In addition, this problem is the main reason development of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease. And these diseases are, in turn, can lead to acute myocardial infarction and stroke. The most important substance involved in lipid metabolism is cholesterol. Of course, provided that its level is normal. Cholesterol is – the fatty substance, a plastic material for the construction of the cell walls. In addition, cholesterol – the source of the synthesis of sex hormones and bile acids.

He is especially needed during the growing body and for reproductive function. With age, the need for cholesterol is significantly reduced. But as you know, eating habits, most people remain all his life. That As for the diet of most Russians, it is traditionally dominated by high-calorie, fat, flour, sugary foods. The consequences of this choice known. As an effective means to enable operational lower cholesterol and regulate lipid metabolism, Russian scientists developed a drug TRAMELAN, Tramelan reduces excess cholesterol, cleanses the blood vessel walls, making them more elastic, resulting in reduces the load on the heart.

Tramelan normalizes blood viscosity, reducing the risk of thrombosis, which is important for patients with coronary artery disease. Remember that, by applying various means to lose weight, including the so-called 'Fat burners', you do not solve problems in general. The main reason – the disturbed metabolism of fat – and weight is gradually, but inevitably returns. Yes and it should be noted, even a temporary effect in this case difficult to achieve without ensure that the main factor of harmony. That's why all systems and procedures aimed at losing weight, you need to accompany the reception of Drug Tramelan – as an effective regulator of fat metabolism.