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Buenos Aires

We are made to much you can do in this respect the Federal Council of culture and education. Linking sports club, school and town, us occurs with high value, in order to optimize scarce resources. It is noticeable the existence of methodologies, which evidence were conceived in times of abundance. Thus expenditure on transfers and stays, benefiting companies in tourism, transport, hotel and restaurants, subtracting resources that could be applied to elements and sportswear. The sports phenomenon in late 1999, allows that the sponsorship and marketing, can take over both high performance sports and professional sports. This would suggest a release of resources to be applied creatively on the sectors most vulnerable segments of the population. On those wanting to do sport, they can’t do it or do it in precarious shape. We think that there are about 11 million school people and through educational Social program, they may receive resources for sports, recreation and physical education practices.

It is obvious that considerations such as these, will not be shared by those who have been won by the status quo pre-existing, but we would consider satisfied if these considerations awaken meditation, to see to what point they are susceptible of application or not in the specific areas where we act. After all the world, this Center where each this and thence with homemade, appropriate technologies and we return to emphasize creative, you can bring the sport, recreation and physical education, to meet the social function, for which are proving a high potential. Buenos Aires, Friday, December 03, 1999 published in world AMATEUR, NUM. 126, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA DEC. 1999 Original author and source of the article.

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