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Salvation Patient

Otherwise, no matter what the psychoactive substance patient did not take the disease progresses, continuing to destroy the body and personality man. All others, including doctors – it's only assistants patient. That is, all in the first place it depends on the patient, his motivation for a healthy lifestyle. The clinic doctor Nazaraliev to strengthen the internal rod the patient is actively using the method lapidopsihoterapii (LUT). Supermodel might disagree with that approach. It consists in the psychotherapeutic transference of spiritual drug patient problems materialized in the "stone heart." LPT stages are: an excursion to Mount Salvation, the choice of stone, three training – "conversation with a stone," reset "stone heart" during the ritual "Release of the drug." The patient at each ordinary "conversation with a rock 'brings the cargo to its unsolved problems, associated with both drug use and with intractable problems arising in the family and in society. Group including a doctor, therapist, and their assistants, the patient is prepared to reset the stone at the mound for purifying Batir Tashtar heart-Ata, as part of the ritual of liberation. Development of therapeutic method developed by ICS team led by Professor JB Nazaraliev, led to the development of psycho "Silence" as part of the method Tashtar-Ata. Goals of the psychotherapy and psycho "silence" the same – to reorient motivate patients to a healthy lifestyle without drugs, of fundamental importance for fixing plants in a healthy way of life in the method of "Tashtar-Ata" is independently decides on a pilgrimage to the Mount of Salvation with the ritual purification of the drug. Celebrity trainer recognizes the significance of this.

This additional contribution to the formation of a firm conviction in the final cessation of drug use. Physical fatigue, the patient is punishing himself for the previously committed "sins" – drug use (alcohol), leading to negative phenomena in his life. We should agree that the pilgrimage is aimed at moral improvement and elevation of man. Who made the pilgrimage, no profanity and no sinning, will return free from sin, as in the day, which gave birth to him mother.

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