Health and Happiness
THE HEALTH IS ONE OF THE ITEM THAT ARE PART OF THE PACKAGE OF TRUE HAPPINESS Dr. Barreto Luiz Fisioterapeuta and Fisiologista of the Exercise At no moment, nor in place some already was visualized some happy person acometido of some illness or pain. The happiness is a package of good, healthful, useful and pleasant things, the goods of that say Oliveira ( ) The useful good, the honest good and the pleasant good. This author did not cite a good that inevitably has that to compose this package. The healthful good. In this package the corporeal properties exist (the useful good), the work (the honest good), the pleasures, leisure (the pleasant good) and the health (the healthful good).
Who has the ownership of all these item, can be considered happy. But, according to wise son of the king, the happiness is not of this world. In this story, Oliveira ( ) he tells that the king had four children and all desired a good. Well this that according to them he would complete. The first one wanted to be rich, as it wanted to be powerful, third wanted to be wise. All had obtained to carry through its desires, but did not obtain to be happy. The scholar of as much wisdom obtained to guess anticipatedly what the room brother desired.
The room certain son of its desire, told that it wanted to be happy. All the people desire a good for itself that, in its vision, it will be the item to be complete. Some when they obtain, they enjoy of that good for a time and later if they sadden or they start the estressante fight to obtain one another good. Only that in this fight they are only enclosed useful and pleasant objectives (the useful good and the pleasant good). Others demonstrate to be always happy without being. They prefer to live of appearances. Most of the people forgets that the health (the healthful good) is the primordial item to obtain the other goods that are part of the package. Therefore the prevention is so important to obtain itself to keep the healthful good. The humanity desires to be happy each one to its way, but they only obtain to discover that the health is the most important item of the package when they are acometidos by some illness or they are suffering with much pain. River, 07/01/2012 Bibliography OLIVEIRA, As To persuade Speaking. Ediouro. RIO DE JANEIRO
Exercise And Hydration
We know of the importance of the water in our lives, its necessity in our daily activities and also of the basic paper that the water plays in our organism, a basic paper. The water plays diverse functions in our organism, being basic for our survival. Functions as half transporting for nutrients and gases and thermal regulator, the water approximately represents of 40% 70% of the total corporal mass, about 60% 75% of the all up weight of muscle and approximately 10% of the fabric adiposo. During the physical activity, our organism suffers to alterations and greaters necessities, as redistribution of the flow of the blood for the active musculaturas had the biggest necessity of oxygenation and nutrition. The oxygen and the nutrients are carried through the plasma, that is in watery way. When in them we exercise the energy production it liberates heat and it increases the body temperature. One of the forms to waste this produced heat is through perspiration, where the transference of the corporal heat with loss of liquids occurs.
The amount of liquids lost during the physical activity will go to depend on the intensity of the exercise, duration, ambient temperature and relative humidity of air. The more intense it will be the exercise, hotter will be the environment, more lasting and bigger the relative air humidity, greater will be the loss of liquids and greater the necessity of attention with the hidratao. The decurrent dehydration of the physical activity, makes with that the performance diminishes, due the reduction of the plasmtico volume, by where the nutrients and oxygen are carried and lesser capacity from thermal regulation. Therefore attention with its hidratao during the practical one of physical activities.
Workers of nursing feel more difficulties to take care of of young patients this are related to the not-acceptance, for the society, of a serious illness in young in full productive age (SHIMIZU, 2000). In the daily one of the workers of nursing of UTIs, the confrontation with the suffering and the pain of the patient happen constantly. Such situation is not easy e, many times, them looks for to place itself in the place of the sick person and suffers with this situation (SHIMIZU, 2000). The multiprofessional team in UTI found given, in which the participants had expressed the difficulty in working in team, being that the stories had disclosed that one of the main .causing factors of estresse for the multiprofessional team she is the proper one team. This fact was decurrent of the lack of commitment of some members of the team (MILK; VILLAGE, 2005). The high rotation is desgastante in such a way for the workers as for the heads, however these data, when seen separately, they are reduced in its degree of importance and they do not propitiate signallings of the suffering in work (ABRAHO; TOWERS, 2004).
In study with nurses of Center of Intensive Therapy, these professionals had emphasized that she is difficult to manage and to plan the assistance to the patient ones when lacks and absences occur, therefore they cause overload for the other members of the team (SAINTS; OLIVEIRA; MOREIRA, 2006). The inexistence of employees to substitute the absentees in recesses, vacation and licenses demands, of the remaining workers, a very intense task, creating an environment many times of running and tumult, that if becomes more problematic when lacks in the work occur not set appointments previously (LUNARDI SON, 1995). When a not enough number of people for the work is had, this can to collaborate to increase the absenteeism index and to cause to an overload and insatisfao of the workers, propitiating a reduction of the quality of the care given to the human being (ALVES, 1996).
Intensive Therapy
Therefore, through this article, we will be describing through literature overload of work of the nurse of a Unit of Intensive Therapy. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Unit of Intensive Therapy. Nurses. Load of Work of Nursing. 1.INTRODUO Caracterizar the demand of work of nursing in Unit of Terapia Intensiva (UTI) with sights to get a quantitative one of staff who assures quality and adequate relation cost-benefit of the intensive assistance is old search that folloies the proper historical development of these units (RAFKIN, 1994).
Being the UTI (s) complex units that concentrate human resources and technological highly specialized and of high cost, the necessity to adjust staff front to the cares demanded for the patients, stimulated, throughout the time, the development of instruments of measure come back to verify the demand of nursing work, joint or parallel to the development of indices of gravity of the sick person in critical state. In the UTI (s), recognized for the raised load of nursing work, (that it represents a factor of high cost), and for the raised index of mortality, (measured that express production/income), during decades used it reason mortality/morbidade as parameter of choice to describe resulted of the efficiency of the intensive care. However, in recent years, the inclusion of the load of nursing work as a parameter for evaluation of the results, has been also considered, had to its impact in the quality of the intensive assistance (JAKOB, 1997). Of this form, the evaluation of the demand of nursing work, as well as of the factors associates it, if has shown indispensable as resource of management of these units, since one has equipped superdimensionada implies in high cost. On the other hand, one knows that one has equipped reduced tends to determine a fall in the efficiency of the assistance, being drawn out the internment, increasing mortality/morbidade and generating a bigger cost in the treatment of the patients (GAIDZINSKI, 1998).