HYPOTHETICAL ALTERNATIVE CONJECTURAS I? MOVEMENT FARROUPILHA Considering the conventions of the treated ones between the European nations, specifically of Toledo and Tordesilhas, between Portugal and Spain, we go to find Brazil delimited for the meridian that goes of Belm, in Par, the Lagoon, in Santa Catarina, separating Goinia of Brasilia and other similar ones, what bodoque or aboriginal arc would give to our country the limited format of one. Moreover, of 1582 the 1616, the Portuguese had fought bravely to move away Frenchmen northeast e, in 1670, the dutches of Pernambuco. If they were not the brave fights of the Portuguese, inside of the Brazilian territory we would have the Acre, Amazon, Roraima, Amap, Par, Rondnia, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso of the South, Paran, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande Do Sul, half of the Tocantins, Gois and So Paulo speaking Castilian; Belm, in Par, Maranho, Piau, Cear, Rio Grande of Norte and Paraba speaking French; Pernambuco speaking dutch; Alagoas, Sergipe, Bahia, Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio De Janeiro, half of the Tocantins, Gois and So Paulo speaking Portuguese. Favours however to the period of 1580 the 1640 that let us stow under the Spanish domain, to the intrepidez of the bandeirantes that had surpassed Tordesilhas, to the inacessibilidade of Andes, the density of the Amazonian forest and to the indomvel courage of the Portuguese in the combat to the Frenchmen and dutches, we could almost extend to ours limits the continental dimensions with nine million kilometers squares. In these conjecturas, we also come across ourselves with the questions of the Acre that would have to belong to Bolivia, but thanks to the decisive participation of the Placid gaucho of I castrate was annexed to the Brazilian territory, and of Uruguay and South Region, whose epics had been basically the focus of this our approach. Conjecturando hypothetically the alternatives of the inverse outcomes, are remained in imaginary the questions that never could be answered: ' ' At that moment, it disappeared the Farroupilha Revolt and it initiated War of Tatters.
Old Greece
One outo prominence point is the form and the concept of technique between the Greeks, where the author shows as the work technician was used, understood visa and, saying, exactly that superficially, the technique was not very well developed between the Greeks, exactly in the classic period, yes an adaptation to the things, putting in prominence the figure of the craftsman, I begin who it is seen as who this the service of another one, with economic function only of exchange. When already to the end of its participation in the book, Jean-Pierre Vernant shows certain trend to the marxism where it goes to study the classroom fight; but existed social classrooms in Old Greece? According to Author yes, therefore the old period, followed a line of marxist reasoning, was on to the way of escravista production and as the society was deeply on to agriculture, the conflicts between the classrooms if gave for the way of concession of the ground and finish saying ' ' The fact To belong to a classroom does not depend on the wealth, nor on the tax of income, but on the place in the relations of produo' '. ** Following the same line of reasoning of its friend and also a marxist, Pierre Vidal-Naquet makes one analyzes of the slaves as a social classroom in Old Greece, but not only of slaves in itself, and yes making a linking between Hilotas, Metecos and Periecos, distinguishing the characteristics from each group; the interesting one is that the author displays that an only person could pass for some different groups, that if, for example, one hilota could become enslaved definitive circumstances second, this happened at times of intense crises caused for the wars or same for revolt. In its last two Pierre chapters Vidal-Naquet it runs away a little from this line of marxist reasoning and analyzes the slavery and the Gynocracy, where it shows the paper of the woman who exactly in a society where if it values the masculine figure, it even though plays a basic role, that mainly at time of war was responsible for the homes and in some cases not confirmed, for the cities, beyond the fact of being the main figure related to the procreation; finally the craftsman in the city, basing on writings of Plato, displays the ascension that if has from century V B.C., if before was only the service of another one with function only for exchange, now has one civilization of the craftsman.
Best Leagues
For the football fans what I will comment on you will be interested; Since this summer, the best League in the world will have a new channel. Canal + Liga arrives. A space in which Canal + put his seal to sport King and that all fans will find much more football and great innovations of programming. Canal + Liga, which will be available in dial 10 Digital +, will be the best way to enjoy the matches of Real Madrid and Barcelona. The new channel will two matches of the first Division, of which one of them will always be a Madrid or a Bar offer every day? to. In total eight games to last month’s first Division, of which four are always encounters the Madrid or Barcelona.
For only 15 euros a month, a little more than what it cost last season only one game in pay per view (ppv) purchase. The new channel will offer, each weekend, two games from first (Saturday at 20.00 hours and Sunday at 7 p.m.) and two second Division matches (Saturday 18: 00 and Sunday at 5 p.m.). Each day there will be always a meeting of the Madrid or the Bar? a. Do among them will be the Bar? a-Real Madrid of 12? day. In addition, it will emit matches of the Copa del Rey and the UEFA Europa League.
Canal + Liga subscribers will have access to the box office (pay-per-view service) platform and other 37 channels more, including all generalists strings, the autonomic, informational and entertainment as CNN +, BBC World, Sony TV or CNBC, or children’s channels and channels of sports such as Real Madrid TV and Disney Channel. For its part, Canal + will with his party exclusive of Sundays at 21.00 hours and best second Division meeting at 12 noon. Channel + will also issue exclusively the best out of each day of the Copa del Rey (except for the final that should go in open).
The Anxious
In resistance, the uncertain people would wait for negative results in episodes of anger. This belief, pessimist is derived from the lack of confidence that has of their actions (Carmelley & Janoff-Bulman, mentioned in Mikulincer, M. 1998a). The anxious-ambivalent people, would show to major propensity the wrath that the safe people. The evitativas people, undergo frequent and intense episodes of anger, and their repressive style and its tendency a to appear of a positive way could take to these people to deny any propensity to the wrath. In relation to the form to undergo the wrath, the safe people once angered would think about solving the situation and to improve the quality of the relation (I put constructive), express their anger of controlled way and without many signals of hostility, the anxious-ambivalent experience of anger of the evitativo style and people, would be characterized by destructive goals, becoming unaccustomed answers and wild short whiles of hostile anger, suffering pain and other negative emotions. (Mikulincer, M. 1998 a).
DISCUSSION One comments, that the theory of the attachment, especially the proposal by Bowlby, has been very useful, since it has generated diverse investigations and studies in varied aspects of the human behavior, which corresponds to which the social psychologists consider like a good theory, that is to say, to guide and to stimulate the investigation, generating diverse hypotheses to verify them. The theory is indicated in addition, that it seems quite useful, since it allows to know, to deduce from the knowledge of the style of attachment of a person, many of its personal characteristics that are not so evident. Nevertheless, the so strict or rigid classifications cannot be considered of way, although they represent a reference frame, do not determine a specific behavior, therefore, they are not always absolute predictions. This is more reflected in many studies that give account of the different forms to behave, often independent of the style of attachment and related to a situation or specific scope, as it happens in the interpersonal area and of the personality. Really, it sorprndase as you related to the attachment are and avoids to be employee of him, maintains a significant distance so that it does not harm it, does not affect it.