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More Hygiene factors”are the quality of marketing materials and information, the regional intermediary care and the width of the range of products under the criteria. All four queried business areas, a broad stability in the rating as compared to the year 2010 is to determine. All winners 2010 to 2011 their AWARDs defend in the online survey on the AssCompact AWARD private risk provision 730 expert of risk management participated after filtering a total. This gave the survey over 35,000 individual entries for more than 195 product provider. The AWARD winners in the industry which is labour protection again the people good federal, however the pursuers could catch up significantly old Leipzig. The two competitors separated yet 92 points in the previous year there are only 12 points this year. However, the dialogue could extend their lead in the business field of death protection by 15 points.

The InterRisk dominated the Division of insurance continues to safely at a constant high level and thus also counts among the AWARD winners. In the Care extra security, which was also investigated, but was not awarded an AWARD could greatly expand its position to the ideal. With 94 points the ideal score people well twice as much as the follower of Federal. The current survey is private risk management, which was conducted for the second time in the framework of the annual series of studies the AssCompact award, by the management consulting company SMARTcompagnie GmbH on behalf of the bbg operating consultancy company, Bayreuth, to this result. About the study the accompanying study on the AssCompact AWARD 2011 private provisioning (biometrics) includes 427 pages. Represented the results of a nationwide survey of brokers and multiple representatives that are in the period of the 17.02 17.03.2011 has been performed.

The study was published in the June 28th 2011 and can be obtained on the Internet at. This study contact: Christopher Kahl phone: + 49 (0) 6123-974-82-64 E-Mail: about SMARTcompagnie SMARTcompagnie GmbH offers Management consulting, practice-oriented training and market research of the highest quality and with maximum benefit for customers. The company, founded in 2005, is rooted in the financial services industry. The focus of the service is the sales and product management of insurance and financial services. Belongs to the self-understanding of society to create added value for customers through the successful implementation of the strategies. The expertise of SMARTcompagnie results from many years of experience (since 1985) in sales and management in the insurance and banking industry. Contact for the press: Harry HOLZHAUS SMARTcompagnie GmbH large stroke 7A 65344 Eltville-Martinsthal Tel.: + 49 (0) 6123-974-82-62 fax: + 49 (0) 6123-974-82-89 E-Mail: Web: