Feng Shui Sleep
Behind the bed is good to have a strong wall. This will bring stability to be asleep, and canopies able to protect sleep. Make sure that over the bed there is no protruding beams, ventilation, and the bed do not watch the corners of furniture. When choosing a place to bed can take into account the direction of its success. To do this, count the private Gua number.
Women are quite complicated, the last digit of your birth and add 5. If you get a two-digit number, add up the numbers again. You will receive a private number gua. For example, in 1945. 4 +5 = 9, 9 +5 = 14 1 +4 = 5. 5 – it is your personal Gua number.
For men of 10, we must subtract the amount of the last digits of the year of his birth. If the sum is greater than 10, the numbers add up, and then subtract from 10. For example, 1974 god.7 +4 = 11, 1 +1 = 2, 10-2 = 8. 8 – is a private number gua. Now choose the direction for success: 1 corresponds to the southwest, 2 – Northeast, 3 – South, 4 – North, 5 – north-east for men and for women the south-west, 6 – West, 7 – North-East, 8 – South-West, 9 – East. Headboard of your bed should be directed towards your success. Of course, the way it seems ridiculous, but to get up in the morning I felt better when I put the bed in the light of personal Gua number. Ill also became less frequent. Choosing a place to bed, take a look around. The bedroom should not be a mirror, paintings of women. A friend of mine, giving a picture with a stranger behind the veil of his beloved wife, began to search for the stranger in my life to see her without a veil. His wife was lucky. He did not find a girl that is consistent with its status and prestige. Therefore, if you do not want to push a spouse to divorce, move out of the bedroom pictures with the girls or flowers, mirrors. Fresh flowers will also interfere with sleep at night. If you want to keep the family together, then you need a bright sparkling round amethyst. In the first or fifteenth day of the new year on the lunar calendar, up to 11 hours of the day, tie a red ribbon and a stone put under the bed from where the spouse is asleep. Sleep soundly. Literate the use of professional advice of feng shui to help forget about insomnia. Dream to become one of your wealth.
Food Tips
We have the climatic change until in the soup. But the consumption of meat and the way in which we fed the 6. 400 million human beings who we inhabited the planet affects to the air which we breathed, besides knowing a clearly social impact. As the man is done of the nature surrounds that it, it interacts with her, it uses as her to feed itself and comprises of that nature of active way, we will tie the social thing to the environmental thing. A group of scientists and experts managed the past year to sensitize to million people on the destruction of the planet by a model of consumption based on hydrocarbons. But the improvement in the nutritional habits, is pending. One of those improvements consists of consuming less meat. In almost half century, the human consumption of meat in the world has been quadrupled.
The individual consumption of meat has been duplicated in that same period of time, with the forecast for 2050 of which that consumption becomes to duplicate. Although the world-wide consumption of meat is not equitable, the averages are over which the Earth can hold. Almost third of the free land surface of ice of our planet is dedicated or somehow related to the cattle, generating production of 18% of greenhouse effect gases. Another 13% come from the transport and another 19.4% of industrial activities, according to the Intergovernmental Panel for the Climatic Change of the United Nations. The cattle ranch uses a third of world-wide the agricultural land to produce animal food, a process related to the deforestation of tropical forests, mainly in Latin America, where the cattle operation has grown in a 4% in the last years, when the world-wide average is below 2%. Brazil and Argentina replace the demand of cereals to feed the cattle of the Asian east that, due to the small territorial extension and to the cultivable earth shortage, they must concern them.
The association ensures that this pathology 2% of the world population according to studies suffers 30 years ago and they believe that the incidence is quite greater than 2% referral. They also know through the statement that this disease produces a big psychological impact and that rarely appears alone, usually accompanied by pathologies such as ezcema, malformations in fingernails and abnormalities in growth, hyperthyroidism etc. Also entails discrimination against patients in areas such as the labour and even the State so that there are concerned that they have encountered problems to obtain national identity document by wear scarf to cover their heads on the other hand to be considered aesthetic problem and not a disease of immune as the latest research point, do not receive any assistance for dentures that are forced to use to alleviate the problems of discrimination and psychological. To date have been directed at his Ministry on different occasions as a partnership, with the collaboration of other associations and that unfortunately so far they have not obtained a satisfactory answer to your requests. There are many people affected by this pathology.According to studies conducted 30 years ago, the disease affects 2% of the world population while we believe that the incidence is quite greater than the referral 2%.
This disease produces a great psychological impact on those who suffer it besides that rarely appears alone, is often accompanied by diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, malformations in fingernails and abnormalities in growth, hyperthyroidism etc. Alopecia areata and its associated diseases, lead to further discrimination against patients in areas such as the labour, and even State so that there are affected that they have found problems to obtain national identity document by wear scarf to cover the head. In addition to being considered an aesthetic problem and not a disease of the immune system as the latest research suggests, we don’t receive any kind of assistance for the prosthesis that we are forced to use to alleviate problems of discrimination and psychological mentioned above. To date we have aimed at his Ministry on different occasions as Association, with the collaboration of the Association of the patient advocate and through block nationalist Gallego.Desafortunadamente, until now we have not obtained a satisfactory response to our requests. It is what I am addressing you on this occasion requesting an interview to discuss our problems with person or persons of the Ministry of Sanidad.Ruego to make contact with me, agradeciendole your attention and waiting for news theirs, yours.