Intensive Therapy Performance
Summary hospital Infection is any infection acquired after the internment of the patient and that if manifest during the internment or exactly after the high one, when could be related with the internment or hospital procedures. The objective of the displayed topic implies in describing to the light of pertinent literature to the subject, the performance of the nursing in the prevention and control of hospital infection in Unit of intensive therapy. The method used for the development of the thematic one in quarrel is decurrent of apanhado of bibliographical character carried through in the quantity of the library of the College Saint Emilia de Rodat-FASER, as well as in referring magazines to the boarded content and information acquired in sites of credibility, during the period of August of 2011 the January of 2012, the collected data had been later analyzed and interpreted to the light of literature concernente to the subject. Related literature approaches that the hospital infections are the most frequent and important complications occured in hospitalized patients. Patients interned in units of intensive therapy are of high risk, which had to its state of imunolgica deficiency, as resulted of invasive the therapeutical and disgnostic procedures, and are particularly susceptveis the hospital infections.
The alternative measures of prevention and measures to if effecting invasive procedures, are essential, being thus, the nurse could be preventing occurrence of the hospital infections. An exclusion of a obscure prognostic for who is concluded that the hospital infection is an event of eminent susceptibility where can be prevented through writs of prevention in the practical one of nursing, thus providing acquires an infection in Units of intensive therapy. Words key: Hospital infection in Intensive therapy, Performance of nursing. Abstract Nosocomial infection is any infection acquired to after admission the patient and manifested during hospitalization or to after discharge, when it can be related you hospitalization or hospital procedures.
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