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Needless to say, that people are constantly in the room with plastic windows, also suffer from lack of humidity? Humidifiers save the situation, but only partially. The second obvious flaw – an artificial origin of the material of windows. No matter how much nearer to the perfection of modern technology and materials that allow you to create plastics, not affecting people's health, its artificial nature remains doubtful. When heated okonluchami sun some amount of chemicals released into the air, and how they affect people's health can only guess. But the logic of things – not the best way. The third problem with plastic windows is impossible to eliminate the mechanical damage.

Simply put, the plastic can not be repaired. And if the glass replacing it is quite possible, then the random scratches and marks of blows on the frames will remain on them until the next replacement windows. Particularly noticeable such damage on plain light surfaces. Well, with this we can only accept. Topics who prefer natural materials, you should opt for the windows of timber. Used in the construction and decoration, it has remained unsurpassed for many centuries. It harmonizes with stone, brick, perfectly looks with any trim both natural and artificial materials. Modern building market offers Russian customers are two main types of wooden windows: joinery and euro windows.

Carpentry significantly easier and cheaper European windows. In fact, it is the same wood windows that were installed in homes before, only more sophisticated. End milling design allows for easy opening and closing casement windows and air vents – each independently.

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