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(Don’t think you do it just for you) Let’s start: If you are of those who start the day smoking, need to know that that first cigarette is the trigger for mid-morning, body asks you to another and so on during the day. We will begin cutting that morning cigarette. Deleting it will also eliminate the custom which until now we begin the day with poison in the body. For this you need to distract us with other things: take a book with you. You can see in public transport, (hence not allow you smoking) tries to make deep breaths from morning to relax, thereby calmaras the anxiety of that first cigarette. Buy your favorite candies: during the early days, give yourself the whim of buy you your favorite candy, always carries a handful in his pocket, and commits one whenever you fancy a cigarette immediately while you eat it, get to do something different to forget.

The first week, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of tobacco in an approximately 33%, that is, if smoke 10 cigarettes per day, pass to smoke approximately 7.(Cigars of the morning and night are that we must radically cut the first week) The second week, it is advisable to lower another little one, if we currently smoke 7 cigarettes, go to 4 or 5 daily cigarette smoking. We are going slowly, getting used to our body to that you don’t need as much nicotine. The third week fumaremos two or three cigarettes always avoiding the of morning and the of night. The fourth week we are already prepared to quit smoking, or smoking US 1 cigarette as much. Tricks to quit these 4 or 5 weeks: it is advisable to avoid these four or five weeks, get together with people who smoke, enter in bars that allow smoking, and it is inevitable to cross us with someone smoking, immediately remove a candy and eat it. One of the first causes of relapse and return to smoking, is because we see people smoking, and that attracts us resulting in inevitable light us a cigarette.

Many times the craving, is the factor that makes that we need a cigarette to soothe this symptom, is necessary to be as relaxed as possible, avoid stress at work, House etc., avoid discussions and other stressful situations that we create that they finished making us go for tobacco. Buy a cigarette case and during these four or five weeks, takes only cigars that you are going to smoke, seeks to not wear loose money for avoid having to buy, take food from home and keep your mind busy and your candies in the Pocket. It is necessary to know how much more difficult will be to get a cigar, less likely there that smoke it you or even you want. Common symptoms when we stop smoking: is necessary to know that symptoms can experience during the first few days without tobacco: tiredness. Concern. Bowel ilidad. Fatigue. Digestive disorders. Anxiety. Stress. These insomnia is due to the body is desintoxicandose and undergoing a new change, all of them disappear to spend a few weeks without smoking. In the second article we’ll talk about natural therapies for smoking cessation as: hypnosis.Acupuncture. The yoga. Sport.

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