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Exercise And Hydration

We know of the importance of the water in our lives, its necessity in our daily activities and also of the basic paper that the water plays in our organism, a basic paper. The water plays diverse functions in our organism, being basic for our survival. Functions as half transporting for nutrients and gases and thermal regulator, the water approximately represents of 40% 70% of the total corporal mass, about 60% 75% of the all up weight of muscle and approximately 10% of the fabric adiposo. During the physical activity, our organism suffers to alterations and greaters necessities, as redistribution of the flow of the blood for the active musculaturas had the biggest necessity of oxygenation and nutrition. The oxygen and the nutrients are carried through the plasma, that is in watery way. When in them we exercise the energy production it liberates heat and it increases the body temperature. One of the forms to waste this produced heat is through perspiration, where the transference of the corporal heat with loss of liquids occurs.

The amount of liquids lost during the physical activity will go to depend on the intensity of the exercise, duration, ambient temperature and relative humidity of air. The more intense it will be the exercise, hotter will be the environment, more lasting and bigger the relative air humidity, greater will be the loss of liquids and greater the necessity of attention with the hidratao. The decurrent dehydration of the physical activity, makes with that the performance diminishes, due the reduction of the plasmtico volume, by where the nutrients and oxygen are carried and lesser capacity from thermal regulation. Therefore attention with its hidratao during the practical one of physical activities.

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