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Assessing the economic viability of the project implementation is a necessary component of its feasibility. In general, there are three main groups of methods to determine the effect of the introduction: financial (they are also quantitative), qualitative and probabilistic. Each method, financial or non-financial has its disadvantages. It is clear that automation – a delicate process, and not in every business process can be estimated financial component of the effect of it. That is why, to more fully illustrate the final effect of the introduction of EasySport, in addition to financial methods, you must use the methods of non-financial analysis. Financial methods assess the effectiveness of investments in IT-projects are divided into three groups: NPV (Net Present Value) – net present value or net present value. Shows the future value of investments in the project and benefit from it in relation to today's money.

That is all the cash flows leads to the present time, as is clear by the fact that the dollar received today, and the dollar gained after a year, the reality is quite different values. Value money changes over time. IRR (Internal Rate of Return) – the internal rate of return (profitability) of the project. Determines the rate of project implementation, and then compares that rate with the rate of return on risk-based. This is an absolute indicator, which can not only make decisions on some specific projects, but also to compare projects with a completely different level of funding, with vastly different budgets. Payback period – payback period.

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