National State
Introduction In middle of the decade of 50 and especially in the decade of 60 marks a period of great transformation in the social, cultural relations, politics, economic and especially ambient in the Amaznia, based on the desenvolvimentista speech, that Brazil characterized as a country located in the fan of underdeveloped countries, processes of exploration had been institutionalized in order to attract the great capital without many concerns with the socioambientais problems that from there could result. In this direction economic theories as the praised ones for Gunnar Myrdal they had been widely accepted and they had unchained in the seio of the classroom leading politics and enterprise the race for the development, understood as dynamic, has seen that the subdesenvolvimento was nothing more than a stage for the development. For in such a way the exploration of the natural resources it would have to be pautada under the point of view of the National State, in way that traditional populations and the proper people were of are of the development process, fitting only to the State atrelado to the great capital to decide on the routes that would have to be taken in order to satisfy the interests capitalist and to reach so longed for ' ' desenvolvimento' '. Thus the Amaznia felt the impacts disastrous of this process, which technical start with more vigor from ' ' Amaznia' operation; '. Carried through between 03 and 11 of December of 1966, on board the Pink ship of the Fonseca, such operation represented a moment of meeting between ' ' Man of company brasileiro' ' the amaznidas ones in a movement of integration for the development of the Amaznia, by means of federal mechanisms legal, state and municipal, what he was known as Program of Acceleration of the Development. To analyze with more depth such processes, is not the objective of this article, but it is I validate to stand out that many ambient and social impacts are fruit of this moment, after all is accurately at this moment that great changes in the productive structure, economic and social if process, without, however, having a definite plan how much to the participation of the population amaznida in such procedures.
Transports Ministry
Dilma, in view of whom even though one of its ministers (exactly of the Defense, who command the Armed Forces), Mr. Nelson Jobim, admitted not to have voted in it, called it guarded way of ignorant and idiot and affirmed that one of the ministers of the president is ‘ ‘ fraquinha’ ‘ Exactly that it has the power to relieve it (what I believe that will finish happening, therefore everything I have a limit), its moral never more I will be the same one. As a minister admits that he voted in another candidate! This is the accumulation of the lack of command and authority. If this lady had some moral, the same one is disappearing. Coming back to the Republican Ministry of the Transports, the same it was fruit of biggest accusations of corruption of the republican government after-mensalo. the interesting one is that, although everything, and of the company of the son of the minister (established with a patrimony of 60 a thousand Reals) to have jumped for a patrimony of 50 million in five years, the Minister Alfredo Birth says not to know you are welcome is, this youngster son of it, been born in 1984, must be a genius to envy Mark Zuckeberg, the creator of the Facebook. As one met in similar situation to the one of ‘ ‘ Lipstick in the Cueca’ ‘ , known of the adultery ones, if it saw debtor to deliver its position and to come back to the Senate and the presidency of its Republican Party! Therefore it is, although all the indications that had dissuaded it a ministry, still could come back would caderia to exert it of Senator of the Republic (nothing more just). As the ministry was ‘ ‘ loteado’ ‘ for this party truily republican, Mrs.
Dilma was in an interesting situation: he would have to place in the direction of its folder of transports somebody of this party (such all governing which that must electoral favors the oligarchies politics, instead of searching the name most able to occupy the folder), but could only nominate who had a ilibada reputation. only sees: NONE of the controllers of the party would have the clean fiche of accusations and convictions. How sinuca of peak was the president! Ah! They forgive, I was not just. The PR, yes, had a person to indicate the president, example of honesty and worker, whose name also was quoted for the ministry: the TIRIRICA! For if finding without any another name that could indicate, not to be of a clown, the PR ‘ ‘ abdicou’ ‘ of its position in the Ministry of the Transports for Mrs. PresidentA, leaving it exempts it to feel a Head of Government that has the freedom to choose who will belong to its ministry. Therefore it is.
This, as I spoke, is a party that reflects the Reverse speed Publishes in which if it finds most of the Brazilian Republican State. Created for interests, composition for intelligent corrupt and illiterate unprepared, that divide land into parcels the public offices not of people prepared for such, but only taking care of to the interests eleitoreiros politician-partisans, commanded however for demagogues, however for puppets, saved rarssimas exceptions, that must be praised and recognized. It saves the Emperor. It saves Brazil.
Occupational Therapy
E to leave some ideas in open as sketch to think the politics of mental health. Capszao I believe that in the theoretical conception of the CAPS it has perhaps not previsible vieses in the theory, but that they go if becoming evidentes in the practical one. In the CAPS-AD they had been capszao . The institution works as a hospital day, where the patients, in accordance with the program of treatment considered for each one, can pass the day and come back at night toward the house. During the day, they participate of activities of Occupational Therapy, Workshops of Art, Groups of Therapy, Games, and Consultations.
The problem is that the criteria to define which patient ones go to frequentar such activities and in which days many times something is subjective. Many patients if accomodate, if they accustom, they start to like to frequentar the CAPS daily, after all, they take coffee, they lunch, they take snack, they practise sport, they participate of workshops, they receive attention and, while they are under treatment, generally they obtain removal of the work. It is much more convenient to continue moved away and to participate of all the activities of the CAPS of what> back in the patio they talk as to obtain removal or retirement . This comodismo harms the devotion of the patient to the treatment that, in secret, continues drinking, frequentando the CAPS and moved away from the work. A dependence of the CAPS is created. The criteria for high also are subjective. However, if the patient still drinks or uses drugs and has partner-familiar difficulties, the trend of the team is to keep it in the treatment program, which turns a vicious circle. He wants to say: the patient never receives high and if cronifica in the CAPS.