Aquatic Sports
2) AQUATIC SPORTS rsea shirt with official shield in the chest (center) and black shimstock. 1. The athletes, in general, will present themselves with the uniforms foreseen in this article, however, in accordance with the modality of the sport and the necessity momentnea, the practitioners of the terrestrial sports will be able to use the uniform n the 2 and practitioners of the aquatic sports, the uniform n 1. 2. To the uniforms no extra badge beyond the position number or order could not be added, or fights when it will be determined or allowed. OBS.: In archive pdf in annex, photographs of the club, taken off for me in 2010 and 2011.
HYMN OF author IS CRISTVO (: Lamartine Babo) They are Cristvo, Are Cristvo Your past is so beautiful How many victories in Figueira de Mello. When you win another Oh club! They are Cristvo belongings To the socristovenses hearts. The great ones made of the saudoso Canturia stimulate its extraordinary fiber. (Refro:) Avante Is Cristvo For your good, for our good For the largeness of the sports That this land has. You are of a quarter whose history Has a deep value ditoso Quarter of D. Peter II. When you go to the South Zone To play well with a club fort You have twisted of the Zone the North. They are Cristvo, Are Cristvo Your past is so full To your rivals you always inspire distrust.
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