The Benefits of Books
Many still remember well the slogan 'The book – a gift', graced virtually every bookshop our still truly vast country. And again: 'Do you like the book – a source of knowledge', 'all the best in me I owe book ',' What to give? Give a book! " And after all that is important – this ad was running. A good book is really a good gift. True, the situation with the books then was quite different, paradoxical as much in one forever gone from our country. Mighty publishers have worked at full capacity, but a good, interesting and popular book could not have been easy to buy, you can just 'get it'. Methods 'dostavaniya' met most exotic. For example, to collect and deliver 20 kg of waste paper to get the right to acquire any of the novels or Pikul 'Three Musketeers' by Alexander Dumas. Now everything is different.
A wide selection of books, but give the book much less frequently. Why? People have become less read it? Yes, it seems to be nezametno.Vse in prices … Therefore, from January 1, 2009 at: ctartuet action "Find cheaper!". One of the goals of the new store – this is enlightenment. So well developed imagination and contributes to the development of brain activity? What may be the best source of information than a book? Why management decided to sell the store literature for the people of Belarus at the lowest tsenam.Dlya comparison, the next the price of the book, the price will be placed the most popular online bookstores magazinov.No if suddenly you find the price for the exact same book cheaper than – it will sell to you cheaper! PS And remember, the book will be a good gift if it is selected with love, if it shows how deeply you understand each other, how many total you have in the perception of the world, how close your views, evaluation of sympathy. In this sense the book – a difficult gift, because demands from the donor large 'voltage of the soul'.