Everything Embryo
One also knows that, being the uterus the ambientenatural of the embryo, it reacts to the external stimulatons due to transformations dosistema nervous of the mother who liberates chemical substances in the sanguineous chain eatingem its ' ' ambiente' '. Then, the embryo is taken by an alarm state, quepode to increase or to diminish its cardiac beatings. It searchs ' ' mechanisms dedefesa' ' for ' ' relief of tenses' '. Better to understand this movement, is followed: ' ' … In the search of the relief of the tensions, psychic mechanisms of defense are developed and that they are express through hiperativas demovimentaes the body. They are reactions similar to the dorecm-been born one in suffering that if twists, it cries out, it cries, esperneia, to paralivrar itself of what it cause desperation. Or, in contrast, if the situaoestressante becomes chronic, the embryo ' ' substitui' ' the mechanism of defense that nopercebe as more aliviador of tension, and occurs the reduction of the atividadesmotoras or hipoatividade, that suggests the possibility of depression and dedecrscimo of vital energy. While to last the emotional riot of gestante, the fetal activity will continue to a high level …
' ' (RICH, S/D). Estasexperincias lived by the embryo in its environment, generates feelings of anxiety, anguish, fear and situations of estresse, in accord with what the mother estejaenfrentando, and this, can place it in suffering. ' ' Everything what happens duranteesse period is forgotten to the rising, however is registered in inconsciente' ' (RICH, S/D). Already we know that the embryo has an emotional life: it is to umser that it feels, it has emotions, it tries pleasure and displeasure, anguish ebem-to be, in the primrdios of the intrauterine life, in the end of as the trimester degestao (VERNY, 1981). In its comments extreme-sonogrficas, AlessandrPiontelli (1992) describes: ' ' … What it called my attention in this occasion (during one year I observed some gestations weekly) was the wealth and acomplexidade of the movements that if could observe since the maisiniciais periods of training.
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