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Acne: Not Just A Skin Problem

According to various sources, 85-90% of all teenagers suffer from acne vulgaris, the skin disease that commonly referred to as “Acne.” This is why acne, such as retainers, is generally related to puberty and adolescence, as a sort of rite of passage to adulthood. We can easily see in the movies, where young clumsy 13 and 14 are shown frequently with skin and teeth away from perfection. For our adolescent personality that probably means you feel inferior and fight with our appearance during high school. Teens with acne are more likely to be abused, jokes and nicknames receiving cruel. In addition, side effects of most anti acne remedies are terribly embarrassing and usually do jokes, far from disappearing, worse.

For the lucky few whose parents have money, our teenage years with acne probably result in many visits to different dermatologists and purchases without to creams and antibiotics. But – everyone tells us – is fine. At the final pass. Soon we will become adults and – by magic – our acne will disappear. That is, unless you are a part of the unfortunate percentage of people still continue to suffer acne as an adult.

In fact, acne affects 25% of men and 50% of adult women at some point in their lives. The explicit abuse and cruel nicknames may be reduced, but acne can severely affect the life of an adult, no matter how “adult” and “mature” appear to be his companions. Acne outbreaks usually last about five years since its first appearance. After that, their effect is dissipated or worsens. And there is no way to know what type of acne you have until end of five years – after that, you’ll be ecstatic with joy or starting all over again, again at the beginning. And now, for some reason, the number of adults with severe acne is increasing in measure. Dermatologists call this an “epidemic”, the old rule of waiting until 20 to make your acne disappear completely expired. More and more patients entered the 20 and 30 are rising and can not believe what the mirror reflects them. Thus, acne is no longer a rite of adolescent passage. Acne has become widespread skin disease that affects one in every twenty people around the world. Visit my blog and you know how to remove acne in 3 days.

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