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Waterfall Poetry

To emphasize SODR (2002, P. 354), it was young that wrote its verses and read them or declaim them it the audiences, and young died; much all loved and transmitted to its poetry the loving impetus. Searching to understand the diverse ones mirrors, in that they reflected the images, mazelas, the miseries, the negritude, I of a traditional society and escravocrata, Castrate Alves bet in the search of coletneas of the daily one. Therefore we consider the following problematizao: how if of the o denunciative poetical enrollment, of the black poetry of I castrate Alves, in the Waterfall of Pablo Alfonso? We do not intend to deplete all the analyses concerning the poem the Waterfall of Pablo Alfonso, we will describe the aspects that if make gifts in poems. According to Massaud Moises (2004, P.

358), ' ' poetry gr. Posis, to make, to create, some thing, for lat. Poesis' '. The poetry I left the tedious one, and you mask removes them of the society. ' ' All poetry is always politics. Therefore form in the reader, a conscience of the sensible one, creating words that are the Expression of this sensitivity and that they correspond the new forms of perception of realidade' '.

RASP (2001, P. 76) In the castroalviana poetry, the women concrete and are materialized. The referring to abolitionism and republican subjects are constant, more in data moments they connect and at other moments they divergem. The poet was following of the literature of Vitor Hugo, in its poems looked for to evidence the naked reality and raw, which the people were submitted, he searched democratic and social an ideal. For BOSI, (2002, P. 146) the word of the bahian poet would be in the context where if it inserted an open word. Opened to the massive reality of a nation that survives the blood cost enslaved.

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