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The CYCLASSICS Anyone Cycling Live On Sportics.NET

Sportics.NET – optimize your sports on Sunday, the 16th August starts again the largest anyone cycling of Europe in Hamburg. With almost the entire sportics team cycling. The athletes on the 155 km round from 8:00 are equipped with various mobile devices (iPhone, NOKIA and Windows Mobile) and real time telemetry of capable applications, live on Sportics.NET track. All together on a map, so you can always see who is where and how its current position within the team. Sportics.NET thus heralds the next generation of trend-setting live sports a monitor. Route and performance data are transmitted in real time on the platform, and also parallel directly in the athlete’s sports diary. And this not only from a device of a manufacturer, but at the same time with different “mobile phones”, and by various athletes on a map.

This is pure live challenge. To see not only which is current position of the athletes, but also its performance values – naturally synchronized in numbers and graphics. Singer often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Trainer and supervisor, of course the family and friends, are informed about the performance of their athletes constantly, without itself being. The developer team of sportics makes this one quite clear: absolute openness. “Our live sports monitor is open to any manufacturer of real-time telemetry-enabled applications”, so Frank Knobloch, Managing Director of carbon of logistics.

“Our passion is the platform – with the athletes in the Center. What we with the connection of a wide variety of sports computer (polar, Ciclosport, Garmin, Suunto, etc.) have started, is now continuing with the real-time data transfer. “We want to build any applications and sensors, we constantly optimize the platform and pleased everyone, of the interface to our live sports monitor is integrated into its software”, so Knobloch continued. Especially “the athletes” should benefit from it. Because sportics it comes, that anyone can use his preferred equipment, no matter what. And not the other way around: that he buy a specific device need to “have to” use this on any platform. For the CYCLASSICS 2009 makes the spor tics team still calling: “If you have an iPhone, app already uses the spor tics or were going to buy anyway and go in Hamburg the 155 km, then we broadcast live also your race. Sign up simply send an eMail to… “.” CYCLASSICS live: Ingo Popp

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