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On The Several Facetas Of The Monster Of The Ness Lake

In my infancy, the Monster of the Ness Lake inhabited per one day those mbiles that the decorators or mothers hang in the cradles. I remember of that I together with woke up bordering of the sun, and those mbiles had become vivid, shady and multiplied for frightfully real shades! I cried out! My father appeared and in one he only launches pulled out all of an only time with the hand, what he brought me immediate relief! Ufa! I was saved Little time later, the Monster of the Ness Lake liveed in the end of the corridor of my house that takes to the bathroom (but ' ' vtima' ' in the case, irmozinho was mine) that it had distrust to walk ' ' tanto' ' in the dark one. Later the Monster it duplicated and had been my parents (sorry) in the period of mine ' ' aborrecncia' ' , where all day would have to be day of party, where to speak very to the telephone was one ' ' must' ' only that everything could not be of the skill that I found that I would have to be, what became my life (pparently) incomplete and many times dramatical It was a time that I walked in bandos (as it costumava to say) and always folloied of better friend, who of years in years varied. (as the parents they suffer rsrs). With passing of the time, I perceived that I found some Monsters and in some occasions of the life, that for my surprise, such and which only declared the Government of the Esccia, the said Monster of the Ness Lake (that she would be a direful aquatic creature), does not exist! Imaginary Real or, the fact is that for circumstances of the life and the moment, I perceived very recently that any one of us, to the look and judgment of the others, also we can be seen as said marine reptile of strange feies, frightful and gigantic. It sees a mother burning hotly defending its children. It sees the reaction of some in the chaotic transit Relembrem a reaction for the result of an injustice, a lack of repair, a carelessness! the tip is: they deal with looking at with more benevolence the circumstances and there summer that the Nessie friend is very useful in our lives when appears stops alerting in them or stops transforming in them but as everything, with moderation! Rsrs ' ' To define its value, it knows its importncia.' '

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