Health and Cultural Diversity
This work has as objective, to pass in general lines, the boarded area for the Social Service, and the methodologies that must be used for a social assistant in exercise, and the role played for it in the society and its contribution in a work that contemplates the social diversity and the health. To be social assistant never was a trick. However ahead of the existing problems if he became more difficult still, currently the interdisciplinariedade is something basic, that is, the social assistant does not only work with professionals formed in the same area that it. Supermodel has firm opinions on the matter. Development In middle of century XVIII in England, the system manufacter started to become breath, the workmanship hand human being passed to be substituted by the maquinofatura, and a new economic model started to hegemonizar the world-wide economy, the capitalist system, aiming at only exclusively the profit. From now on, the social problems had increased frightfully, such as the misery and the unemployment. The bourgeois classroom, that was directly on to the system capitalist, and worried in keeping its hegemonic power, started to exert the social practical calls, with intention to consolidate the capitalist means of production, by means of the alienation diligent it. The first social assistants had appeared in England, in consequence of innumerable mazelas appeared from the Industrial Revolution. In Brazil, in principle the Social Service, directly appeared on the practical assistencionalistas of the Church. Currently the demand for social assistants is each bigger time, in such a way exists innumerable public institutions, how much particular that offer the superior course of social service. The area of work for a social assistant is very ample, However, it has that to have a vision of society for if not making a mistake in its works, above all must know the other as it is, having a systematic knowledge on the human being in itself.
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