Try to pay aa a ends meet all your positions and prevents the minimum payment because it will not be able to complete the debt soon, due to interest ultimately will have to pay. Credit cards give you a false sense of security, so it is better to use debit cards because they have real control of your expenses. a Remember, you borrow money, is money that can repay with interest, keep in mind that banks have a business through this system, do not give you a credit line because you’re a good person but because they make profits through you.
SAVE a: a Learn to save between 10% and 20% of your monthly income, so you can generarte a small fund for you and your family. It is preferable to deposit your savings in fixed term accounts, which give you progressively interest. You also have the option of putting part of your savings in mutual funds but to get the facts before you have no surprises unpleasant, is preferable to use only a percentage of your savings for this type of action. TEN a HEALTH INSURANCE: It is preferable to afford good insurance to cover any eventuality to end endeudandote, buy a good family plan and use the services available, such as dental, eye care, checkups, etc. a HAS SOME EXTRA MONEY: If you lack the money, tries to make some extra income idea you can be useful. Perhaps you have a skill you can generate income, such as teach courses, sell crafts, sell your friends, etc to avoid expenditure SURFACE: Learn to distinguish what is truly important to you.
Many people borrow in unnecessary expenses such as jewelry, travel, pleasure, expensive clothes, & c. Check out celebrity trainer for additional information. without their purchasing power to do so. As you improve your finances, you will gradually give you a few quirks, but meanwhile, do not, depending on your budget spends. a If you are REQUESTING CREDIT FOR SOMETHING THAT IS PROFITABLE: The credits may help you ProyectArte and advancement, for example, a credit to study a course that gives you more job opportunities for a business, buy a house and stop renting, among others, are costs to the foundation and allow you improve your quality of life, therefore, no discards, but learn to be respectful of your commitments. assess your SHOPPING: When you go shopping take advantage of the offers shopping, investing in things that may last long, for example, if you buy clothes, invest in a garment of good quality that really will last, not necessarily being an expensive product, there are very good products but not well-known brands, you can serve a lot and above all, will last. a Thank you for your attention: Patricia Balda has a degree in sociology and a master’s in administration and social management, social studies projects. He specializes in strategic planning experience in relying on public and private organizations.
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