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Form Follows Function

Apply for packing texts by Kocarek translations: form follows function 70% of all purchasing decisions are made spontaneously. In addition to the quality of the product, design and texts of consumer packaging contribute significantly to the purchase decision. Increasingly, read and rate interested to purchase the texts before the product is purchased. Now special care is needed here. Therefore, the contracting authority of the Essen company Kocarek not create translations e. k. just value on an accurate translation of the advertisement and the ingredients, the form of the presentation must be. Product packaging is one of the rare forms of communication in the most diverse languages side by side are in a confined space: ingredients, additives or product descriptions, here the linguistic and design consistency between the languages must be adapted the design of the packaging.

For this reason will be worked at Kocarek if necessary also in the original file formats. The company for over 30 years is specialized in all European and Asian languages as well as Arabic. It belongs in Germany to the few providers who are certified according to DIN EN 15038 for translation services. Are the European standard with high quality demands precise requirements throughout the process? from creation to archiving after completion of each job offer.

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