Brazilian Makes
The day arrives to clarear! The party is not pra if to consume, but pra later if lembrar…com floated, jejuada strong, of today if counting to three days the floated one go to leave. We are that we go. (Pink Guimares: Manuelzo and Miguilim- a estria of love) In this estria Pink Guimares it values the verbal tradition, mixing Metaphysical cases and questionings with the search of Manuelzo for the reason of its existence. Beyond universal boardings, the author sends to the reading to the folklore sertanejo. ' ' I came to preguntar vosmec an opinion its explained ' ' ' ' Vosmec now makes me the good workmanship of wanting to teach to me what he is same that it is: fasmisgerado it makes-megerado falmisgeraldo familhas-generated? ' ' There, and for these ways of way, it has none nobody cliente, nor have legitimate the book that learns the words Pra is people information pie, for if dissimulating little ignorance Only if the priest, in Is A, the capable one, but with priests I do not give myself: they soon engambelam Well. Now, if she makes me grace, vosmec speaks to me, in the wood of peroba, the perfected one: what she is that is, what already I asked to it? ' ' (Famous First Estrias) Guimares works in this story question of the word, which beyond reflecting characteristics regional of the verbal language, also elaborates multiple meant and connotations. How much to the narrative process, Pink Guimares Joo, generally makes boardings and interpretations around what he considers specific Brazilian reality in face of other realities of national configuration. He is around ' ' causos' ' that the plot if develops, such ' ' causos' ' common and simple, therefore it is of the daily one that it states huge and bonanza occurrences.
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