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Austrian Chamber

Wenger GmbH, owner of GO, which has cult-drink in the tube, announced last week in preparation on another year with even higher demand after the tube drinks heavily to expand their marketing and distribution capabilities. CEO Gustav Wenger: “we get about 50 requests from around the world, including from as far away countries such as Nigeria, Colombia and Korea relating to GO every week. Many of these requests come from consumers from countries where we have currently no importer. Gunnar Peterson: the source for more info. Our goal for 2008 is to introduce it GO in these countries on the market. Our customers are already waiting GO!” The comprehensive, global coverage of the unique and eye-catching tubes in the media in connection with the global Internet is the main reason for the enormous interest in GO. To meet this demand, company Wenger currently optimizes their sales activities. Including distribution defines the process more accurately and more formal, to enable a more efficient processing of the requests.In GO on the market in Australia and Israel was introduced this year. A year earlier, in 2006, was awarded the Austrian export Prize for extraordinary achievements in foreign markets company Wenger of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. Gustav Wenger added: “at the beginning, there were of course very many doubters and critics but in the meantime is obvious that the strategy in the competitive and rapidly-changing beverage industry is very successful to gain a foothold.And this is just the beginning with security! “.

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